Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.
A sudoku solution must satisfy all of the following rules:
must occur exactly once in each row.
must occur exactly once in each
must occur exactly once in each
of the 9 3x3
sub-boxes of the grid.
Empty cells are indicated by the character '.'
A sudoku puzzle…
…and its solution numbers marked in red.
and the character
.DFS + backtracking.
Just like 36. Valid Sudoku but instead of validating the board with three tables, we use these three tables to get all the valid numbers at a position. This is super fast as it skips a lot of redundant comparisons.
Every time we reach a position, we pick a possible solution and move on to the next position, which is an identical problem.
If the next position fails, we come back and try the next possible solution of the current position.
If all possible solutions fail, we just dump the current position and go back to the last position.
* @param {character[][]} board
* @return {void} Do not return anything, modify board in-place instead.
let solveSudoku = function(board) {
const newArray = () => []
const col = board.map(newArray)
const row = board.map(newArray)
const sub = board.map(newArray)
for (let r = 0; r < 9; r++) {
for (let c = 0; c < 9; c++) {
const num = +board[r][c]
if (num) {
const subOffset = 3 * (r / 3 | 0) + (c / 3 | 0)
row[r][num] = true
col[c][num] = true
sub[subOffset][num] = true
dfs(board, col, row, sub, 0)
function dfs (board, col, row, sub, pos) {
if (pos >= 81) { return true }
const r = pos / 9 | 0
const c = pos % 9
if (board[r][c] !== '.') {
return dfs(board, col, row, sub, pos + 1)
const subOffset = 3 * (r / 3 | 0) + (c / 3 | 0)
for (let num = 1; num <= 9; num++) {
if (!(row[r][num] || col[c][num] || sub[subOffset][num])) {
row[r][num] = true
col[c][num] = true
sub[subOffset][num] = true
if (dfs(board, col, row, sub, pos + 1)) {
board[r][c] = num + ''
return true
} else {
row[r][num] = false
col[c][num] = false
sub[subOffset][num] = false
return false