Water can only be hold between peaks. If you look at the pattern of pair
of peaks that hold water, you can see that:
From left to the highest peaks, the peaks that form alleys are in
ascending order, and the peak at i is the largest for 0-i.
From the highest peak to the right, the peaks are in descending order,
and the peak at j is the largest from j to the end.
So the problem is reduced to 2 passes over the heights array:
Start from the left, for each pos i, if a[i] > maxheight up to i, put
i in lefts.
Start from the right, for each pos j, if a[j] > maxheight from j to
end, put j in rights.
Now we can get the pair of peaks that form valleys (mind duplicate pairs
with same heights). Calculate the amount of water between 2 peaks is