Git Commit

git commit creates a commit, which is like a snapshot of your repository. These commits are snapshots of your entire repository at specific times. You should make new commits often, based around logical units of change. Over time, commits should tell a story of the history of your repository and how it came to be the way that it currently is. Commits include lots of metadata in addition to the contents and message, like the author, timestamp, and more.

How Git Commit Works

Commits are the building blocks of “save points” within Git’s version control.

git commit -m "update the with link to contributing guide"

Commits shape history

By using commits, you’re able to craft history intentionally and safely. You can make commits to different branches, and specify exactly what changes you want to include. Commits are created on the branch that you’ve currently checked out to (wherever HEAD is pointing) so it’s always a good idea to run git status before making a commit, to check that you’re checked out to the branch that you intend to be. Before you commit, you will need to stage any new changes that you’d like to include in the commit using git add [file].

Commits are lightweight SHA hashes, objects within Git. As long as you’re working with text files, you won’t need to worry about how many files you have, how big they are, or how many commits you make. Git can handle it!

Committing in two phases

Commits have two phases to help you craft commits properly. Commits should be logical, atomic units of change that represent a specific idea. But, not all humans work that way. You may get carried away and end up solving two or three problems before you remember to commit! That’s OK - Git can handle that. Once you’re ready to craft your commits, you’ll use git add <FILENAME> to specify the files that you’d like to “stage” for commit. Without adding any files, the command git commit won’t work. Git only looks to the staging area to find out what to commit. Staging, or adding, files, is possible through the command line, and also possible with most Git interfaces like GitHub Desktop by selecting the lines or files that you’d like to stage.

You can also use a handy command, git add -p, to walk through the changes and separate them, even if they’re in the same file.

How to Use Git Commit

Common usages and options for Git Commit

To see all of the possible options you have with git commit, check out Git’s documentation.

How to Undo Commits in Git

Sometimes, you may need to change history. You may need to undo a commit. If you find yourself in this situation, there are a few very important things to remember:

What can go wrong while changing history?

Changing history for collaborators can be problematic in a few ways. Imagine - You and another collaborator have the same repository, with the same history. But, they make a change that deletes the most recent commit. They continue new commits from the commit directly before that. Meanwhile, you keep working with the commit that the collaborator tried to delete. When they push, they’ll have to ‘force push’, which should show to them that they’re changing history. What do you think will happen when you try to push?

In dramatic cases, Git may decide that the histories are too different and the projects are no longer related. This is uncommon, but a big problem.

The most common result is that your git push would return the “deleted” commit to a shared history. (First, you would git pull if you were working on the same branch, and then merge, but the results would be the same.) This means that whatever was so important to delete is now back in the repository. A password, token, or large binary file may return without ever alerting you.

git revert

git revert is the safest way to change history with Git. Instead of deleting existing commits, git revert looks at the changes introduced in a specific commit, then applies the inverse of those changes in a new commit. It functions as an “undo commit” command, without sacrificing the integrity of your repository’s history. git revert is always the recommended way to change history when it’s possible.

git reset

Sometimes, a commit includes sensitive information that actually needs to be deleted. git reset is a very powerful command that may cause you to lose work. By resetting, you move the HEAD pointer and the branch pointer to another point in time - maybe making it seem like the commits in between never happened! Before using git reset:

git reflog

If you’re changing history and undoing commits, you should know about git reflog. If you get into trouble, the reflog could get you out of trouble. The reflog is a log of every commit that HEAD has pointed to. So, for example, if you use git reset and unintentionally lose commits, you can find and access them with git reflog.

Updating Commits With Git Commit Amend

While git commit --amend does change history, it only changes the most recent commit on your current branch. This can be an extremely useful command for commits that:

Examples of Git Commit

Once you’ve staged the files that you want to include in your commit, you’re ready. Whether you commit in a tool like GitHub Desktop, or through your command line, the commit message is important. Commit messages should be short and descriptive of your change. If you are looking through your repository’s history, you’ll be guided by the commit messages, so they should tell a story. Commits in the command line can include the message with the following format:

Commit messages should be present tense and directive, like the following examples:

If you’d like to include more context in your commit messages, you can also include an extended commit message.